ebike é pra quem curte pedalar...
Transformar sua boa bicicleta em uma ebike incrível é uma solução que está ao seu alcance! Ebike é aquela ajudinha que faltava pra você garantir a diversão com a família toda, fazer cicloviagens, subir qualquer ladeira facilmente e até participar de competições, tudo isso fazendo muito exercício físico.
*Inclusive aplicações Cargo
Become an iPedal Authorized
iPedal invites professionals and business entrepreneurs who want to learn how to install our engines and batteries for e-bike, so they can meet the demand of their city or region.
Let's get to know each other? Answer the form below and we will contact you shortly.
If all goes well, you will participate in our training live by becoming an authorized iPedal.
Become an iPedal Authorized
iPedal invites professionals and business entrepreneurs who want to learn how to install our engines and batteries for e-bike, so they can meet the demand of their city or region.
Let's get to know each other? Answer the form below and we will contact you shortly.
If all goes well, you will participate in our training live by becoming an authorized iPedal.